Kashmir's Belly Dance Classes

(Learn to Bellydance in Christchurch)
Can you see yourself as a belly dancer?
Want to give it a try?
Let Kashmir start you along this exciting journey that will challenge your body
(in a good way) - and sharpen your mind. All while having a laugh.

Real Belly Dance Experienced Teacher Small Classes

First class with veil.

Which class is for you?
A summary of the belly dance beginner choices.

Introduction to Belly Dance - a solid introduction for everyone (guys too) - no dance experience needed!
8-week belly dance course (75 minute classes).
Mondays 6:30-8:45pm & Thursdays 7:30-8:45pm
from 12th/15th February.
Not too late to join a belly dance class

Belly Dance Basics - a beginners' drop in class
- no dance experience needed!

Belly dance is an exciting, exacting and fun dance form. It takes more than 8-weeks (10 hours) to learn to belly dance but Kashmir's Introductory belly dance course gives a solid base for beginner belly dance students to build on over years to come - no matter what style you decide to pursue.

Beginner Belly Dance Classes

In the Introductory Belly Dance classes you will learn how to move your body is a typical belly dance way - with your hips and shoulders - and also some travelling steps and arm movements; you will be given an introduction to interpreting belly dance music; you will also be given background information about where belly dance has come from and how it is changing with min-lectures and videos.

Belly Dance Basics is a one-hour version of the Introductory course. In this the cultural information is scaled right back so it can be offered in any dance studio.

There are two alternative beginner class that are run when there is sufficient interest. The Saturday Special provides 4 weeks of belly dance with an emphasis on using belly dance moves in combinations. If you organize your own small group you can choose your own day and time - and the four weeks will cost you only $280.

There is also Belly Delight which introduces more standard belly dance technique which can run for any term length. (classes will run with three pre-paid students on a scheduled class - or four students for a special).

Sometimes there are also folkloric classes that a beginner can join. These are the sister and mother dances of belly dance. They can be enjoyed for themselves, performed with a group or adapted and added to Orientale.

Girls (10-14 years) Belly Dance Classes

Kashmir occasionally offers afternoon classes for girls. There are no current Girls' classes on offer.

Past Raw Beginner

If you want to continue, Kashmir has a range of NextSteps classes which group students of similar experience and ability. These classes may work on choreography - straight belly dance or with props such as veil, zills, or cane - or they may revise technique, work on improvisation or study a folk style.

Kashmir - experienced belly dancer and teacher

Kashmir has been studying belly dance and Middle Eastern folk dance for over 20 years and has been teaching for 16 of those. Her areas of expertise are Egyptian dance and safe movement generation. The movements taught in the Introductory bellydance course are designed on safe posture and build in complexity as ability grows.

Kashmir - the Belly Dance Teacher

Kashmir has been teaching belly dance in Christchurch, New Zealand, since 1997. She brings both a love of belly dance - which she has studied since 1991 - and an interest in teaching (it is a sad fact that some excellent dancers are poor teachers). Kashmir not only trained and had experience as a Secondary School teacher but undertook further study in teaching dance from the Queensland University of Technology. A further interest is "Safe Dance Practice" - which in addition to the unit with QUT - Kashmir has attended lectures and practicals with several physiotherapists.

For fuller information on Kashmir's background - check out details of her training (in belly dance, folkloric dance, teaching and related topics).

Kashmir's Christchurch Belly Dance Studio

Bellydance Studio lobby.
When you come to learn belly dance with Kashmir, most likely your belly dance class will be in her belly dance studio in South Brighton, Christchurch. Kashmir has been teaching from her own studio since 2001. The studio is small - but that's okay because Kashmir feels it is important to be able to give each belly dance student enough one-on-one attention.

The only fitness test is you can climb one flight of stairs. This leads to the studio lobby.

Then you are in the dance studio with mirrors, posters, veils and other belly dance related trappings.

Bellydance Studio .

Starting Belly Dance Classes

When you start belly dance classes with Kashmir, you will normally begin with an 8-week Introductory course. This assumes no prior knowledge of the dance. Over the next 8 weeks you will begin to learn how to control your body - so it does exactly what you want it to do. These are the first words of belly dance - moving your body. You still are not dancing - but you can begin to communicate.

During this time you will also learn something of the background and culture from which belly dance springs. You will see videos of (good) bellydancers from all over the world. You will be introduced to the music and rhythms of the Middle East. You will have your first veil lesson.

There are also optional lessons on costuming and learning about what areas your body needs to look at to optimize your dance journey.

After the First Eight Weeks of Learning Belly Dance

Then what? For some people that is enough - a taste of the exotic - then something else. For those who want to continue, Kashmir offers continuing classes (minimum class size is four) in her style of belly dance - belly raqs®. Most groups choose to work on a choreography. This gives a safe framework to extend dance knowledge. You will sharpen up your technique, add new moves and learn more about transitions.

If belly raqs® with Kashmir is not your preferred belly dance style, the 8-week course provides and excellent grounding in basic technique which can be used with other belly dance teachers.

Belly Delight

The alternative to the Introductory Course, is the drop in Belly Delight classes. You still learn belly dance and you still have fun doing it but
  • It is lighter on technique taught
  • It is lighter on belly dance history and background
  • It is designed so people can drop in and out, rather than building a spiral curriculum
  • It is only one hour long
Classes will be offered Monday and Tuesday evening. Classes will only go ahead with three pre-paid students.

Why not get a small group together and have a class at a time that suits you? (Answers to Belly Delight FAQs)

Too Shy to Learn Belly Dance in a Class?

Contact Kashmir about one-on-one belly dance tuition.

What Other Students Say

Here is some feedback from students learning belly dance from Kashmir. They are having fun with belly dance - and so can you!
Other Belly Dance Services
Gift Vouchers
Hen's Nights
Hire Dancers
Why Kashmir's Belly Dance

Kashmir's Classes (full timetable)

Class Choices
Intro course
Basics course
BD for Exercise
Belly Delight
Girls classes

Full Timetable
About classes
Student feedback

Private Tuition
Folk Styles


 Beginner Signup
 Other Signup
 Refund Policy

The Teacher
About Kashmir

Some Other Information
Selected Moves

Safe Dance Tips
Ab strengthening
General tips
Potentially Damaging
Pregnancy & Raqs
Useful Books

Reality or Fantasy
Characteristics of "belly dance"?

Middle Eastern Background
Arabic Language
Dances Styles
Traditional Clothing

Egypt 2009

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for those with a general interest in the dance
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