Lama Bada aka Mwah Sha

From Hala:
"Lama Bada yatathanna" is a very old and famous song from the Andalusian period (the Arab rule in Spain, aka Moorish Spain). That kind of song, known as Muwashah, was developed in that era. There is a wealth of information on the web about Andalusian music and its influence.

The song is typical 'ghazel' poetry which is romantic poetry that recounts the beauties of the beloved one. "When she starts to move, amen, her beauty fascinates us. The movements are like a tree branch leaning".

This is called "Lama Bada - Shadows of the Alhambra" on Dalia Carella's CD Shuvani and the same song, minus any lyrics, is identified on one of Delilah's DVDs as "Mwah Sha"

"When She Begins to Sway"

When the gossamer nymph appears,
My beloved's beauty drives me to distraction;
When I am enraptured by a glimpse,
My beloved's beauty is a tender branch caught by the breeze;
Oh my destiny, my perplexity,
No one can comfort me in my misery,
In my lamenting and suffering for love,
But for the one in the beautiful mirage;
My beloved's beauty drives me to distraction,

Source: Hamza EL Din's album Eclipse via MED List

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