Haad Yensa Alboo

sung by George Wassouf on Laile El Ashekin. You can listen to the song at http://www.mazika.com/wassof/main.htm

"George Wassouf is a Lebanese singer and he is famously known in the Arab
World as "Sultan Al Tarab" which means "Ambaratour of Tarab" is one of
the most successful and famous singer in the Middle-East region,
he started singing very early when he was around 13 yrs old and reached this
highest stage by his devotion, dedication and love to his fans and his
music.His style is the romantic song style.

In this song the singer is supposed to be talking to his love. It seems that
she has accused him of forgetting about her or not caring about her any
more. The singer doesn’t explicitly say that in the song, but it's clearly
implied, because the singer is trying to tell her that he can’t forget her
or stop thinking about her and that he really she have the full control of
his heart.So In this song, the singer is reassuring his girlfriend that he loves her
as deeply as ever."

Chorus: haad YENsa Alboo? haad YENsa OMroo?
Meen RHAY-rak aHABoo? W’ABaa taaht AMroo

SHAree W’mish ha’KHABee d’Ana haBAYT W’ALbee
D’Ana haBAYT W’Albee m’abeeENsash haBAYboo

"haad" – someone
"YENsa" – forget {verb- present simple tines}
"ALboo" – his heart ("ALB" means "Heart" and "oo" means "his")

The singer is asking his lover this as a rhetorical question: "Could someone
forget his own heart?" Because the heart is so important, it is used the
represent romance in both English and Arabic. Here, it is a metaphor for
his girlfriend – she is his heart.

"haad" – someone
"YENsa" – forget
"OMroo" – his age ("OMr" means "age" and "oo" means "his)

Another rhetorical question: "Could someone forget his age?" His "age" is
literally a number that represents his whole life span, so metaphorically he
is calling her his life. "Could anyone forget his own life?

"meen" – who
"RHAYrak" – other than you
"aHABoo" – love her

"Who else but you could I love?"

"W’ABaa" – and stay ("wa" means "and" and "ABaa" means "stay"
"taaht" - under
"AMroo" - her command

"And stay under her command?" In otherwords, "who else but you could have
control of my heart?"

haad YENsa Alboo? haad YENsa OMroo?
Meen RHAY-rak aHABoo? W’ABaa taaht Amroo

Could someone forget his own heart?
Could someone forget his own life?
Who else but you could I love ?
and could have control of my heart?

"SHAree" – buyer
"W’mish" – and not ("wa" means "and" and "mish" means "not")
"ha’KHABee" – will hide ("ha" means "will" and "akhabee" means "hide")

I want you and I will not hid it

"d’Ana" – I ( "da" is a very big word and has too many different uses ,
so we will not talk a bout it now to avoid confusion but we will do latter,
the writer used it here as an article of surety {a quality
of being sure about him self } and "Ana" means " I" )

"haBAYT" – "have loved"
"W’Albee" – "and my heart" ("wa" means "and" and "alb" means "heart" and
"ee" means my)

"ma" – not
"beeENsash"- forgetting
"haBAYboo"- its lover

I have always loved you and my heart will never forget its lover.

SHAree W’mish ha’KHABee d’Ana haBAYT W’ALbee
D’Ana haBAYT W’Albee m’abeeENsash haBAYboo

I want you and I will not hide
I have always loved you
I have always loved you
and my heart will never forget its lover

Source: Osama MED List

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Updated by JEWEL