Illi Sharti Einuh Bitgannin
(That One, His Eyes Drive Me Crazy)
Sahar HamdiNot a song for a family party – as the following excerpts from the song show.
(The song was/is banned – but available - in the Middle East; in the west it was available on Yalla HitList)
(Man:) Ishi ishi el helwa labis mish mish wa ishi ishi il badr minuh yiktishi wa ishi ishi ‘arussetna labsa mishmish la iktishi kida yiktishi |
The seductive one is dressed in peach The moon would shy away from her beauty, The seductive one, our bride is dressed in peach Behave yourself! |
(Woman:) Iktishi |
Behave yourself! (implying – don’t touch me there) |
(Man:) ta’abti albi ya ghazal yigri yemeen, tigi shimmel ta’abtini ya mo’tab yigri yemeen , tigi shimmel |
You’ve exhausted my heart, my gazelle I come from the left, you come from the right You have exhausted me you exhausting one I come from the left you come from the right |
(Woman; breathless:) Alla mehlak, habini all mehlak ana zayak 'eini betindahlak ala mehlak habini ala mehlak ana zayak rohi betindahlak ana raysa wa a'mel nasya lakin bos 'aini betindahlak 'ahla mehlak suk alla mehlak stop, stop, stop, stop farmel |
I'm like you, my eye is calling you go slowly, love me slowly I'm certain yet feign forgetfulness but look, my eye is calling you go slowly, drive slowly stop, stop, stop, brakes! |
(Woman; beledi style:) ala meen ya ibni betel'ab ala meen hata'mel mashakel ala meen ya habibi hatilab wa ma'meen hata'mel mashakal ma ehna bardu benel'ab alla el 'okla wa ala el shanagel |
With whom are you playing little boy with whom will you make trouble with whom my love will you play and with whom will you make trouble we also play games (on knots and hoops) |
ya roh mama | Go home to mama |
Source:Cassandra Lorius
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Updated by JEWEL