Ageeb Ageeb
My Unpredictable Lover

Ah ha ah ha Ah ha ah ha


Ageeb Ageeb Ah ha ah ha
Habibi Yanas Ageeb Ah ha ah ha

My unpredictable lover is strange

Ah Yanas Ageeb Ah ha ah ha

My unpredictable lover is strange

Sa’at be yekon be yekoon azool
Wa saat be yekoon be yekoon habeeb

Sometimes she wants her space
And sometimes she wants to be close

Ah ha ah ha Ah ha ah ha


Ghareeb kadab fi ta be oh
Wa ha’a mel aih ma’ah

She’s really weird
What am I going to do with her?

Da alboh sa’at yetow oh
Wa yen sa eli aish tarah

Even her heart sometimes follows her
And she forgets her lover

Wa yen sa eli aish tarah
Wa yen sa eli aish tarah

And she forgets her lover
And she forgets her lover

Wa arga’a tany wa asam ho
Wa ansa hata gar ho

And I always forgive her
And forget my wounds

Wa aool es mah we naseeb

And I always say this is my luck


Ageeb laken agebny
Wa alby ya nas sha reeh

She’s unpredictable but I adore her
And my heart is sold on her

Wa hata lao sebny
Ha fakar bardo fih

Even if she left me
She will always be on my mind

Ha fakar bardo fih
Ha fakar bardo fih

She will always be on my mind
She will always be on my mind

Wa mah ma kan naseeny
Misero fi youm yegeeny

No matter how much she forgets me
One day she will be back

Wa a shoofo an areeb

And I will see her soon

The translation above is literal. However, apparently there are a lot of double entendres. And sometimes there are "empty words" (kalaam fadi). These kalaam fadi phrases are filled with the singer’s or dancer’s innuendo without any essential meaning. When dancing this Fifi indicated arbitrary parts of her body which gives yet another interpretation.

An example of the tricky nature of translation "ah ha" is sometimes translated as a meaningless English phrase such as "ya ya". But it is also used in slang to symbolize the moment of penetration. The tone and actions accompanying the phrase gives further shades of meaning.

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