Sleeveless Pullover Tunics
Fabric is folded in half and a hole added for the head. The hole can be across or down the grain, circular or shaped. Facings or a hood can be added.
Sides may be sewn or simply left open and a sash wound around the body.
The tunic can be used as a base garment with several layers are worn over it. Or it can be worn as a top layer with sleeved garments underneath (which themselves may be over a simple under tunic).
With more sophistication an over dress can be created from the basic tunic.

Djebba, Tunis 1910

Ghandoura, Algeria 1967

Tunic, Yemen 1964

Ouled Nail tunic dresses, Algeria 1928

Djebba or Jebba
A man's square pullover tunic from the Maghrib.
Usually worn under other layers. The djebba habayah is specifically underwear.

Djebba - Algeria
This example of a djebba from Algeria is sewn up the sides and has a circular neck hole and vertical slit.

Djebba - Morocco
This example of a djebba from Morocco is sewn up the sides and has a horizontal slit for the head that is closed with a drawstring on the shoulder.

Gandura - Maghreb
The gandura in contrast to the djebba, is an over tunic worn over other layers. It is often decorated and made of quite light fabric.
(Also known as ghandoura, kanura)
Other general types of clothing:
unmodified lengths
sleeveless tunics
men's headwear
women's headwear
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