Belly Dance History
Carlton, Donna, Looking For Little Egypt, IDD BooksNieuwkerk, K (1997) 'A Trade like Any Other' Female Singers and Dancers in Egypt, Austin, TX: University of Texas Press
Benamin, Roger, Orientalism - Delacroix to Klee, The Art Gallery of New South Wales, 1997Deagon, Andrea, (2002) 'The Image of the Eastern Dancer: Flaubert's Salome', Habibi, vol.19, no 1 pp10-16
Gray, Victoria, (2002) 'Envisioning the East: Russian Orientalism and the Ballet Russe', Habibi, vol.19, no 1 pp44-47
Said, Edward, Orientalism - Western Conceptions of the Orient, Penguin, 1995 (1978)